Gunning for trouble

They’re young. They’ve been injured in an assault—so badly they went to the emergency room. And nearly one in four of them has a gun, probably an illegal one. What happens next?

A new study by the University of Michigan Injury Center provides data that could be important to breaking the cycle of gun violence, which kills more teens and young adults today than anything except auto accidents.

In the new issue of the journal Pediatrics, the team from the U-M Injury Center reports data from interviews with 689 teens and young adults who came to an emergency department in Flint, Mich., for treatment of injuries from an assault. Their study is titled “Firearm Possession Among Adolescents Presenting to an Urban Emergency Department for Assault.”

In all, 23 percent of the patients reported they owned or carried a gun in the last six months—and more than 80 percent of those guns were obtained illegally. Of those with guns, 22 percent said it was a highly lethal automatic or semiautomatic weapon. The study excluded guns used for recreational hunting and target practice.

Those with guns also were more likely than those without guns at their disposal to have been in a serious fight in recent months, to use illegal drugs or misuse prescription drugs, and to express approval for retaliation after an injury.

“This study zeroes in on a high-risk population of assault-injured youth that has not been studied in this way previously,” says lead author Patrick Carter, MD, a clinical lecturer and injury research fellow in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the U-M Medical School and substance abuse section of the Department of Psychiatry.

“The high rates of substance use, fighting, and attitudes favoring retaliation—combined with the fact that so many of these [young people] had firearms—increases their risk for future firearm violence, as well as injury or death,” he says. “But, our findings also provide an opportunity for public health interventions that could decrease their future risk for firearm violence.”

Though the study did not evaluate the possible use of the emergency visit as a “teachable moment” to help at-risk youth understand the potential consequences of gun violence, such approaches have been tried successfully for other situations, including substance use and youth violence. The study may lead to tests of a new approach for helping teens and young adults avoid future firearm-related violence.

The data for the new paper were gathered as part of a National Institutes of Health-funded project that is headed by Rebecca Cunningham, MD, the director of the U-M Injury Center and an associate professor of emergency medicine.

Cunningham, who is the senior author of the new paper, also holds an appointment at the U-M School of Public Health and is the associate director of the Flint Youth Violence Prevention Center, which works with local community leaders to reduce violence through several ongoing community-based programs.

The study comprises interviews with hundreds of teens and young adults who were treated at the Hurley Medical Center Emergency Department in Flint, a busy urban trauma center where U-M emergency physicians and residents are part of the care team.

Flint has the highest rate of violent crime of any American city over 100,000 people, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation—including 1,930 reported aggravated assaults in 2012.

But Carter notes the risk factors seen among Hurley emergency patients are probably not unique to Flint, and are likely representative of other cities with high rates of firearm violence. He hopes other researchers will examine similar high-risk populations in other cities to confirm the study’s findings.

Previous studies have documented gun ownership or access among emergency patients, Carter says, but they have not specifically examined young people injured by assault, who are known to be at higher risk for negative health outcomes. Other school-based studies of gun possession leave out those youth who are no longer in school or who aren’t attending school.

That’s what makes the new study so crucial to the eventual development of emergency department-based interventions, he notes.

For instance, more than a third of the young patients in the study who had guns said they used it for protection—but they also were more likely than those who did not have guns to have been involved in a violent firearm incident with a peer or dating partner in recent months. More than half of the patients interviewed said they would have little or no trouble getting access to a gun.

“Youth seeking care for assault provide a window of access to a high-risk population that have firearms and are at risk for future violence and injury,” Carter says. “The question is, how can we best incorporate firearm safety interventions into their emergency department visit to decrease that future risk? This study provides an initial step toward understanding the modifiable risk factors for firearm violence in this population, but more data and study is needed to effectively address the public health issue of firearm violence.”

In addition to Carter and Cunningham, the study’s authors are Maureen Walton, MPH, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry at U-M; emergency medicine clinical lecturer Manya F. Newton, MD, MPH, MS; medical student Michael Clery; former U-M injury fellow Lauren K. Whiteside, MD, now at the University of Washington School of Medicine; and Marc A. Zimmerman, PhD, of the U-M School of Public Health and director of the Flint Youth Violence Prevention Center.


  1. David Sheehy - 1959

    This article mentions “automatic” weapons. I doubt if any automatic weapons were found unless they were stolen military rifles. The writers should be more accurate with terminology. Maybe they should consult with a weapons expert before publishing. Too bad they didn’t elaborate on what the “initial step” could be.


  2. Ikuko Morino - MSW1956

    I hope effort must be made to achieve Society without guns.


  3. Gwen Handelman

    Why did the study of “Firearms Possession Among Adolescents Presenting to an Urban Emergency Department for Assault” exclude “guns used for recreational hunting and target practice”? What is the rationale? Why is firearms violence in a “recreational” context less needful of “firearms safety interventions”? Does the exclusion reflect a value judgment about youth firearms violence in a “recreational” context and skew the results (such as that 80% of the guns were illegally obtained)?


  4. Michael Swartz - 1981

    An automatic firearm in the hands of a civilian is exceedingly rare. An automatic firearm being used in a crime is even more rare. I doubt that any were involved in this study.
    On the other hand, semi-automatic firearms are common. They have been used in hunting and the shooting sports for at least 100 years now, so the claim that this study excluded sporting firearms is suspect.
    A semi-automatic handgun is no more lethal than a revolver. Both fire only one shot with each pull of the trigger. Although some semi-automatic handguns hold more ammunition than a revolver, the typical concealable “pocket pistols” do not.
    The streets of Flint can be dangerous. It’s not surprising that young people may want a gun for protection. The article implies that violence was the result of being armed. It is more likely that they armed themselves as a result of violence.
    Young people under 21 cannot legally buy a handgun, so if they are determined to get one, the only choice is to obtain it illegally.


  5. William White - 2006

    I sincerely hope this study – well intentioned though it may be – will not be used to push more childish and useless gun control laws. I note among several other flaws evident from this article that the authors fail to acknowledge the fact that every one of the “adolescents” addressed in this study was, by definition, carrying their gun illegaly. There appear to be many technical issues with the substance of this paper, many of which have already been pointed out by previous commenters. Perhaps the NIH could restrict the issuance of their scarce tax-payer supplied dollars to actual medical researchers, and not merely left-wing darlings.


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