Enrollment on the University of Michigan Ann Arbor campus remains at record levels for the third consecutive year in fall 2011 with 42,716 students, according to the U-M Office of the Registrar.The number of graduate/professional students increased by 2.8 percent, while undergraduates increased by 1.4 percent. The total enrollment of all students includes a freshman class of 6,251 students, a 3.8 percent decrease from the previous year. This decrease is intentional to help ensure an overall undergraduate count that maintains the highest quality experience for students.Freshman applications for 2011 were up 25 percent to an all-time high of 39,584, an increase that is credited in part to the Common Application, which the University joined in 2010-2011. The University offered admission to 16,073 of the applicants, approximately the same number as the previous year.”The entering class of 2011 represents the highest levels of academic achievement and potential,” said Lester Monts, senior vice provost for academic affairs. “At the beginning of their first semester, we have already received enthusiastic comments from faculty. As this class progresses toward their degrees in the coming years, I am sure they will make full use of the curricular and co-curricular advantages the University offers.”We appreciate the overall excellence and diversity of this class,” said Monts. “In light of the changing demographics in our country, we acknowledge the care and intentionality, in our Office of Admissions and among the University’s schools and colleges, that is required to develop such a great class.”The incoming class of 2011 is notable for excellence in all areas, including academic achievement. The average high school grade point average is 3.8, while 19 percent achieved a perfect 4.0. Over 34 percent of the class had an ACT composite score between 31 and 36, compared to only 4 percent nationwide.The incoming freshman class is almost evenly divided between men (50.2 percent) and women (49.8 percent). More than 1,750 high schools, 49 states, and nearly 50 countries are represented.Overall, U-M offers 6,900 courses each year. Students can choose from more than 242 undergraduate majors and 700 degree programs offered by its 19 graduate and undergraduate schools and colleges.This hard-working and productive academic environment results in a 90 percent six-year graduation rate, one of the country’s best—8 percentage points higher than just 10 years ago, and 33 percentage points above the national average for four-year institutions.Nationwide, the 2011 incoming class is the second to be admitted under the federal government’s new demographic classification system. The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires all institutions of higher education to collect and report data on race and ethnicity in a new way, which is not directly comparable to years prior to 2010. Overall totals and grouped subtotals are fairly comparable, but disaggregated figures for specific races and ethnicities are not.Using the new reporting guidelines, underrepresented minority freshmen constitute 10.5 percent of the incoming class. This represents a slight decrease from the prior year, in which underrepresented minorities accounted for 10.6 percent of the incoming class under the current reporting categories.”The University of Michigan incoming class of 2011 is distinctive and diverse in every way,” said Ted Spencer, associate vice provost and executive director of undergraduate admissions. “They are unique in academic achievement and point of view, in service and engagement with their communities, and in demonstrated talents and leadership. We are confident they will both flourish at the University and contribute substantively to our teaching and learning environment.”
U-M Ann Arbor overall enrollment, freshman applications at all-time high this fall