
  1. Karen Lovinger - 1969

    If we would be interested in purchasing this future book how would we go about it ?


    • Deborah Holdship

      Stay tuned! Perhaps Autumn or Mariah can answer your question.


    • Autumn Wetli - 2009

      Hi Karen! This will be a unique one-off creation for the Book Arts Studio, but we may also be able to put something together from the scans that is more widely available for folx. I’m not sure yet how that will necessarily pan out and it may be awhile since we are not back in the library full-time in-person yet. Thanks for your interest!


  2. Kathleen Timberlake - 1968 (AB) 1985 (PhD)

    I do hope that the request for mail art included Pioneer HS grad Edward F. Higgins III. (E.F. Higgins III, DooDah Post). He is one of the foremost mail artists in the world, a good friend of Ray Johnson, Buster Cleveland, Cowboy Kelly, etc. and a member of the NY Correspondence School. He is in major international collections and resides in NYC in the winter and then goes to his summer home near Frankfort, MI. He was one of the major participants in the Rivington School of Art as well. His family moved to Ann Arbor when he was young so he lived in Michigan for years before doing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Colorado. Years ago, he did a series of stamps that featured the NYC blackout. He has an excellent statement describing mail art that can be found online.


    • Deborah Holdship

      Wow! Thanks for that information!


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