1. Gifts from the Poor

    October 8, 2018

    For more than four decades, surgeon and educator Glenn Geelhoed has taken medical missions to the poorest parts of the globe to treat patients at no cost. Gifts from the Poor takes readers along on his journey. Whether he is stitching wounds, delivering babies, mentoring younger colleagues, or challenging destructive cultural practices, Geelhoed constantly discovers the power and dignity of each individual. From solid, Midwestern beginnings, Geelhoed developed a profound drive to explore the world. What he found both thrilled and goaded him, and shaped a career in which he jousted with medical establishments, confronted corruption, and followed his own instincts. Geelhoed exposes the true mechanics of foreign medical aid and proposes a game-changing alternative: an approach to medical service in which those who would heal and treat in fact end up learning from their resilient, resourceful patients.

    An inspiring tale of compassion, conviction, and grit, Gifts from the Poor is Geelhoed’s invitation to join him in promoting global health. All proceeds will be donated to the Medical Mission Hall of Fame Foundation.