Research News

  1. Evidence of conscious-like activity in the dying brain

    Reports of near-death experiences — with tales of white light, visits from departed loved ones, hearing voices —capture our imagination and are deeply engrained in our cultural landscape. Now a new study reveals intriguing brain wave patterns in comatose patients.

  2. Building curious machines — and finding shipwrecks

    We know more about Mars than our own oceans and lakes. Artificial intelligence could change all that.– by combining robotics, naval architecture and computer science to build a software system that can trawl through sonar data much as a human would.

  3. Advancing chips for the auto sector is the goal of new Michigan-based initiative

    The STAR initiative is a public-private partnership that will focus on developing the talent base and infrastructure necessary to accelerate advanced semiconductor applications for electrification and autonomous mobility.

  4. U-M, MSU, WSU partner with state to aid opioid abatement

    The three universities are prepared to help local governments determine the best strategic use of their respective communities’ share of a $1.45-billion allocation by Johnson & Johnson and drug distributors to remediate overdose deaths caused by opioids.

  5. History saved lives in this pandemic. Will society listen next time?

    Medical historian Howard Markel, MD/PhD, reflects on what the past three years of COVID-19 have taught us. ‘It’s not a matter of if we will have another pandemic, it’s a matter of when,’ he says.

  6. $15 million for connected and automated transportation, renewing U-M-led Midwest hub

    U-M will continue to lead regional efforts to transition the nation to connected and automated vehicles — bolstered by a $15-million, five-year grant from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation. The partnership brings together nine colleges and universities to explore emerging technologies that address safety and sustainability.

  7. Researchers: Rethink e-cigarettes’ role in treating cigarette smokers’ nicotine addiction

    U-M researchers have found considerable evidence suggesting e-cigarettes are an effective smoking-cessation tool for adults in the U.S., yet thousands of Americans die of smoking-related illnesses each year.

  8. 1 in 8 Americans over 50 show signs of food addiction

    In a poll, much higher percentages of possible addiction to processed food were seen among older adults who were overweight or experiencing poor mental health or isolation.

  9. Got questions about weight-loss drugs? These experts have answers

    Michigan Medicine specialists weigh in on the latest news regarding medications for obesity — from drug shortages and medication misuse to rising costs and side effects.