Research News

  1. Monarch butterflies use medicinal plants to treat offspring

    When female monarchs are sick, they find plant “medicine” that will reduce infections in their offspring. Infected female butterflies prefer to lay their eggs on certain milkweed plants that will make their offspring less sick, suggesting that monarchs have evolved the ability to medicate their offspring.

  2. Breakthrough: Scientists harness the power of electricity in the brain

    A paralyzed patient may someday be able to “think” a foot into flexing or a leg into moving, using technology that harnesses the power of electricity in the brain, thanks in part to new breakthroughs by U-M researchers. Includes video.

  3. Sudden death for young athletes often tied to inherited heart condition

    If you or a family member is an athlete, it pays to get your heart checked. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be silent killer for athletes, but if managed well, patients can live active lives.

  4. Dirty hands, dirty mouths: U-M study finds a need to clean the body part that lies

    Apparently your mom had it right when she threatened to wash your mouth out with soap if you talked dirty. Lying really does create a desire to clean the “dirty” body part.

  5. Will your marriage last? Look at how you fight

    The longevity of a marriage can be predicted by how a couple deals with conflict—or fails to. Are women’s fighting behaviors more destructive than men’s?

  6. U-M creates the state’s first human embryonic stem cell line

    U-M researchers have created the state’s first human embryonic stem cell line, achieving a long-sought goal that provides the foundation for future efforts to develop innovative disease treatments.

  7. Sperm may be harmed by exposure to BPA, study suggests

    BPA is a common chemical (more than 6 billion pounds of it are produced annually) that’s stirred controversy in the media over its safety. Now, in one of the first human studies of its kind, researchers have found that urinary concentrations of BPA may be related to decreased sperm quality and sperm concentration. The findings are preliminary but point to the need for more study.

  8. A karate belt for wasps

    In a remarkable study of animal behavior, U-M researchers have found that a given wasp’s facial markings serve as a sort of karate belt, giving a clue to its fighting ability. Even more interesting, wasps “punish” other wasps that are actually stronger or weaker than their markings suggest. “White belt” wasps who pretend to be black belts are asking to get picked on.

  9. Brain connections break down as we age

    It’s unavoidable: breakdowns in brain connections slow down our physical response times as we age, a new U-M study suggests.