Science and Technology

  1. How Russia’s online censorship could jeopardize internet freedom worldwide

    Russia’s grip on its citizens’ internet access has troubling implications for online freedom in the U.S. and other countries that share its decentralized network structure.

  2. A laser pointer could hack your voice-controlled virtual assistant

    Researchers identify a vulnerability in voice-controlled virtual assistants that allows a microphone to ‘unwittingly listen to light as if it were sound.’

  3. Michigan cities, groups that will bear brunt of climate change effects

    Study shows most cities in Michigan will be dealing with harsh consequences of climate change, and vulnerable groups who are disproportionately affected by it will continue to do so now and into the future.

  4. Virtual reality

    U-M nursing students are using imaginary worlds to save actual lives, immersing in urgent and realistic scenarios that transcend traditional health-care training.

  5. Peering into biological tissue

    A light-spinning device inspired by the Japanese art of paper cutting allows U-M researchers to scan the internal structures of plant and animal tissue without X-rays

  6. U-M to house most powerful laser in U.S.

    Funded with $16 million from the National Science Foundation, researchers will test a leading theory on how the universe operates at a subatomic level.

  7. U-M Regents approve construction of 12-story adult inpatient hospital on medical campus

    The 690,000 gross-square-foot hospital will provide more access to care for adult patients at Michigan Medicine.

  8. Human revolution

    In a society overrun by dehumanizing tweets and digital chaos, USC Shoah Foundation CTO Sam Gustman, ’92, maximizes high tech to inspire resilience and heartfelt connection.

  9. Turning Great Lakes plastic into clothing

    A 19-year-old U-M student is founder of the first company to use 100 percent U.S. plastic to produce clothes. His ambition is to shift the fashion industry and help preserve the coast of Lake Michigan.