How Michigan planted its flag on Greenland — or tried to

When U-M researcher William Herbert Hobbs traveled to Greenland in the 1920s, he set off on a spree with a map and a pencil, planting Michigan-connected names on practically any feature of the landscape that caught his eye.
Michigan Minds Podcast: Purpose and mattering, featuring John Piette, professor at the U-M School of Public Health
Purpose and mattering. They’re essential to happiness and healthiness, researchers say. But those feelings can be hard to attain, especially for individuals who may be more prone to feeling purposeless. Professor John Piette, director of the U-M Center for Managing Chronic Disease, discusses V-SPEAK, his latest project with U.S. veterans.
Community force: How a holistic program is changing Detroit one toddler at a time
Brilliant Detroit creates community hubs by transforming houses in need of repair into welcoming sites that deliver early childhood education and family support. More than 19,000 children in 18 area neighborhoods have benefited to date.
XR and U-M: Extended reality stage expands global education
Michigan explores the academic outer limits, introducing extended and virtual reality to the classroom. Its XR studio opens a new chapter on scalable, personalized, and immersive learning technologies. Oh, the places you’ll go!
College athlete unions: Would they be effective?
In a first for college sports, the National Labor Relations Board recently ruled that men’s basketball players at Dartmouth College are school employees and ordered a union vote. Sports economist Richard Paulsen, assistant professor of sport management at U-M’s School of Kinesiology, discusses how unions might look for college athletes.
Snakes do it faster, better: How a group of scaly, legless lizards hit the evolutionary jackpot
A large new genetic and dietary study of snakes, from an international team led by University of Michigan biologists, suggests these legless wonders are ‘evolutionary winners.’ Massive shifts in traits associated with feeding, locomotion, and sensory processing have allowed them to be ‘evolutionarily flexible,’ researchers say.
Want to teach? U-M program helps solve shortage
The Michigan Alternate Route to Certification, offered in U-M’s Marsal Family School of Education, was designed for anyone with a bachelor’s degree interested in becoming a teacher in Michigan. Participants work as certified teachers (with salary and benefits) for three years while enrolled in and supported by the program to earn their standard teaching certificates.
President's Message
Navigating proposed policy changes
U-M leadership is working with university peers to craft a sector-wide strategy to engage constructively with the federal government. -
Editor's Blog
Finders, keepers
Keep your eyes peeled, people. The universe delivers wisdom in the most random 'found' objects. -
Climate Blue
Landscape management versus climate change: A false choice
Now is the time to develop approaches to building that respect the landscape and the changing climate that shapes it. -
Health Yourself
Do you have a rare disease?
After discovering that one of his friends is allergic to water, Victor Katch takes a deep dive into rare diseases.
Listen & Subscribe
MGo Blue podcasts
Explore the Michigan Athletics series "In the Trenches," "On the Block," and "Conqu'ring Heroes." -
Michigan Ross Podcasts
Check out the series "Business and Society," "Business Beyond Usual," "Working for the Weekend," and "Down to Business." -
Michigan Medicine Podcasts
Hear audio series, news, and stories about the future of health care.
A march toward madness — the NCAA kind
The Dusty May era of the University of Michigan men’s basketball team opened the regular season with a victory at home on Nov. 4, defeating Cleveland State 101-53. It was a great beginning to what is shaping up to be a thrilling season. Enjoy these highlights so far — and let’s forget that loss to MSU for a moment — as the team forges a hopeful path toward the annual March Madness tournament. (Captions were sourced from