Braiding heritage and education: Michigan program redefines paths for Native students
The Indigenous Education Youth Collective program, a research-practice partnership between U-M, Anishinaabe youth and families, and Lake Superior State University, inspires Native students with the support and direction they need to pursue higher education.
Sinus care 101: Spring cleaning for your nose
It’s allergy season. Doctors from the Michigan Sinus Center offer tips for keeping your symptoms in check.
Squashed stars and a bungled theory
The hottest stars in the universe spin so fast that they get a bit squished at their poles and dimmer around their middle. A 90-year-old theory predicts the extent of this phenomenon—but a new U-M study shows that theory has major flaws. “It is surprising to me that von Zeipel’s law has been adopted in astronomy for such a long time,” says researcher Xiao Che.
'We've all been taught that this doesn't happen'
In a surprise discovery that overturns a century-old tenet of physics, U-M professor Stephen Rand and his team found that a light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. The discovery could lead to a revolution in solar power.
Invasive mussels causing massive ecological changes in Great Lakes
The blitzkrieg advance of two closely related species of mussels—the zebra and quagga—is stripping the lakes of their life-supporting algae, resulting in a remarkable ecological transformation and threatening the multibillion-dollar U.S. commercial and recreational Great Lakes fisheries.
Downward spiral
The economic damage of auto job losses is much worse than previously measured, says a U-M study. A Q-and-A on the layoff ripple effect.
Before the G.P.A.
For U-M’s first 50 years or so, grades were unknown. But the push for a rigorous letter-grade system came from an unlikely source.
President's Message
Gratitude is good for you
Gratitude can lessen anxiety, relieve stress, and even strengthen heart health. At U-M, we are grateful for so many things. -
Editor's Blog
Read all about it
Your coffee table's calling, and it needs "Our Michigan," a captivating and visually stunning history of your favorite University. -
Climate Blue
Climate science: No time for a stacked deck
Ricky Rood shows his hand in a confounding game of climate science with way too many wild cards. -
Health Yourself
Do you need a wearable health & fitness tracker?
Calling all data lovers: Victor Katch evaluates the pros and cons of wearable health & fitness trackers.
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MGo Blue podcasts
Explore the Michigan Athletics series "In the Trenches," "On the Block," and "Conqu'ring Heroes." -
Michigan Ross Podcasts
Check out the series "Business and Society," "Business Beyond Usual," "Working for the Weekend," and "Down to Business." -
Michigan Medicine Podcasts
Hear audio series, news, and stories about the future of health care.
The University for Michigan
Some of the most valuable learning at U-M takes place beyond campus. Each image here promises to take you somewhere special in Michigan, from Blissfield to Brooklyn, as U-M students and faculty create new knowledge and transform our state. Enjoy these Michigan Stories from 2024.