How Michigan planted its flag on Greenland — or tried to

When U-M researcher William Herbert Hobbs traveled to Greenland in the 1920s, he set off on a spree with a map and a pencil, planting Michigan-connected names on practically any feature of the landscape that caught his eye.
25 years of show biz
It’s the anniversary of U-M’s Musical Theatre program, and many of its famous alums are returning to campus to celebrate.
Vets and depression: Returning from war to fight new battle
Nearly a third of veterans treated at Veterans Affairs health care centers have significant depressive symptoms, and about 13 percent have clinically diagnosed depression. Depression is bad enough; it’s also a serious risk factor for suicide.
Risks of heavy snoring
Chronic snoring could be a symptom of sleep apnea, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Early whales gave birth on land, fossil find reveals
Two newly described fossil whales—a pregnant female and a male of the same species—reveal how primitive whales gave birth and provide new insights into how whales made the transition from land to sea.
Water water everywhere…
For 20 years, Stanley Pollack has been fighting to get the Navajo Nation the water it deserves. It’s a battle that could change the face of the Southwest.
Get smarter!
Environmental conditions are much more powerful than genetic influences in determining intelligence, says U-M social psychologist Richard Nisbett: “Believing that intelligence is under your control—and having parents who demand achievement—can do wonders.”
- Podcast: Intelligence: How to get it
- Education Is All in Your Mind (NY Times, Feb. 7, 2009).
- Podcast: Intelligence: How to get it
President's Message
Navigating proposed policy changes
U-M leadership is working with university peers to craft a sector-wide strategy to engage constructively with the federal government. -
Editor's Blog
Finders, keepers
Keep your eyes peeled, people. The universe delivers wisdom in the most random 'found' objects. -
Climate Blue
Landscape management versus climate change: A false choice
Now is the time to develop approaches to building that respect the landscape and the changing climate that shapes it. -
Health Yourself
Do you have a rare disease?
After discovering that one of his friends is allergic to water, Victor Katch takes a deep dive into rare diseases.
Listen & Subscribe
MGo Blue podcasts
Explore the Michigan Athletics series "In the Trenches," "On the Block," and "Conqu'ring Heroes." -
Michigan Ross Podcasts
Check out the series "Business and Society," "Business Beyond Usual," "Working for the Weekend," and "Down to Business." -
Michigan Medicine Podcasts
Hear audio series, news, and stories about the future of health care.
A march toward madness — the NCAA kind
The Dusty May era of the University of Michigan men’s basketball team opened the regular season with a victory at home on Nov. 4, defeating Cleveland State 101-53. It was a great beginning to what is shaping up to be a thrilling season. Enjoy these highlights so far — and let’s forget that loss to MSU for a moment — as the team forges a hopeful path toward the annual March Madness tournament. (Captions were sourced from