Denouement deferred
Truth is not only stranger than fiction. It can be more compelling, macabre, and infuriating, as well.
Take the record-high ratings, social media fervor, and critical commentary generated by such “true-crime” series as “Making a Murderer” (Netflix), “Serial,” (NPR), and “The Jinx” (HBO). It’s no surprise that networks are rushing to cash in on the audience’s desire to play armchair detective, judge, and jury.
Was this person framed? Did the police bungle the investigation? Did this guy actually get away with murder?
But here’s where the infuriating part comes in: Rarely are the strands of the intricate plot pulled together and matters resolved. The “truth” in true crime can be elusive. And when the final credits roll, a frustrated audience hooked on predictable procedurals is left with more questions than answers.
Imagine how the victims feel.
Murky waters
Attorney Barry King, JD, ’58, author of the blog “A Father’s Story – OCCK,” has lived in that infuriating space since March 16, 1977. That’s when his 11-year-old son, Tim, was abducted behind a Birmingham, Mich., pharmacy. Tim’s body was found six days later in a roadside ditch. He had been sexually assaulted and smothered.
King’s son was the fourth and final victim of a killer (or killers) dubbed the Oakland County Child Killer (OCCK). Prior to Tim King’s disappearance, another boy and two girls disappeared from Ferndale, Royal Oak, and Berkley. Their bodies were found in Southfield, Troy, Franklin Village, and Livonia (in Wayne County).
The heinous crimes triggered one of the most sprawling and complex investigations on record, with the Michigan State Police (MSP) and the FBI as key players. An estimated 20,000 tips came in. Investigators reviewed hundreds of pieces of evidence and conducted thousands of interviews.
Despite its magnitude – or perhaps because of it – the original 200-member task force never solved the OCCK case. In December 1978 the task force shut down after exhausting its $2 million budget.
No more children disappeared.
False hope
Subsequent task forces have formed over the years as new technologies come on line and “new” evidence emerges. For example, in 2012 investigators discovered the MSP was holding hairs found on the bodies of Tim King and the OCCK’s first victim, Mark Stebbins. Southfield was holding hairs found in a car belonging to a convicted pedophile. Some 35 years after the fact, mitochondrial DNA tests proved the hairs belonged to the same person. It was not the convicted pedophile. And the actual person has yet to be identified.
Instead of achieving closure, the victims’ families were left to wonder: How many other times over the years did investigators fail to share critical findings across multiple agencies? How many leads were left on the table?
A matter of trust
One reason true-crime is so captivating is that it sheds light on the inner workings of law enforcement and the courts. That theme is at the core of King’s blog, “A Father’s Story — OCCK.”
“For more than 30 years my family did not have any contact with law enforcement and we trusted law enforcement to solve [Tim’s] case,” King says.
He says that trust began to erode in 2007 when his daughter, Catherine Broad, received an unsolicited tip about her brother’s murder. She shared the information with the Livonia Police Department, which led investigators to identify a possible OCCK suspect named Christopher Busch. He had been a resident of Bloomfield Township at the time of the murders and was the son of a prominent executive at General Motors. Busch had died in November 1978 (just a month before the task force shut down). His death by shotgun was ruled a suicide
In his blog, King writes, “In [October] 2008, both Wayne County and Oakland County identified Christopher Busch as the best suspect the system had produced in over 30 years.”
But in March 2010, King says he was surprised to learn from the Birmingham chief of police that investigators were no longer following the Busch lead. He says he never received a satisfactory explanation from either law enforcement or Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper.
“What happened between October 2008 and March 2010 has never been answered for me,” King says. “That’s when I started my search for the truth.”

A recent blog post by King.
Be careful what you wish for
King submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the MSP in April 2010 seeking its entire file on Christopher Busch. In December that year he received more than 3,400 pages documenting the investigation.
Among the most disturbing revelations: Busch had been convicted multiple times of criminal sexual conduct with a minor, but never served time. In January 1977 police questioned Busch as part of the OCCK investigation and allegedly cleared him following a polygraph test. Tim King was abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered just a few weeks later.
Instead of clarity, King came away with more questions after reading the file. Why did Busch walk? Where was the suicide report? Could Busch and his alleged associates have been part of a pedophile ring?
King attempted to meet with Cooper, but grew increasingly frustrated when he could not connect with the prosecutor directly. He continued to file FOIA requests seeking additional records to which he felt entitled as a victim.
Once, he says, he received documents from a reporter after authorities told him those same documents had been destroyed. Another time he was denied information the prosecutor said would compromise the case if made public. About a year later, King received that same information when the prosecutor’s office hosted a press conference to reveal it.
Just give me some truth
Now, after six years of legal wrangling — FOIA fees, legal fees, appeals, and dismissals — King is changing his focus from the past to the present.
He is using “A Father’s Story — OCCK” to report his frustration with modern-day law enforcement and the judicial system.
“If I were not a lawyer, I would not have gotten as involved as I did,” King says. “I believe the Oakland County Prosecutor has violated four or five basic theories of law and has not been required to explain that to the court or to me. So I decided to take what I’ve discovered to social media so the public can be advised of what I think. Somebody, I believe, owes my family and the other families an explanation of my concerns.”
Cooper, who was elected in 2008, says members of her staff have responded to all of King’s queries over the years. Her chief assistant, Paul Walton, spoke at length with King in 2012. King also met with Gary Miller, then-Oakland County deputy sheriff, she says.
“I know about the craziness that went on 40 years ago, and whether we’re ever going to piece that together – I don’t know,” Cooper says. “We have answered the same questions over and over again. We’ve gone into all sorts of FOIA requests.”
As for Busch, specifically, evidence cited by King that would point to his possible involvement in Tim King’s murder is either “too general” or excludes Busch altogether, she says.
“[King] doesn’t like the answer,” Cooper says. “If it were me, I wouldn’t like the answer either. There’s nothing I want more than to solve this case.”
A matter of trust
Sadly, as true-crime documentaries go, the 40-year OCCK saga hits all of the grim story beats: A child killer terrorizes a community for more than a year. A massive task force fails to solve the murders. Critical errors are made. Victims lose faith with a system they deem dysfunctional. Suspicion supersedes trust.At the center of the heart-wrenching mystery is one victim who has chosen to take on the role of detective, lawyer, and true-crime documentarian.
King launched “A Father’s Story — OCCK” in February to mark the 40th anniversary of the OCCK’s first victim, 12-year-old Stebbins. He supplements many entries with affidavits, police reports, court orders, and other records obtained through his FOIA filings. A video timeline showcases TV news coverage of the case from December 2010 through February 2016.
It’s not the first time someone has attempted to document the confounding twists and turns of the tragic case. There are a handful of fiction and nonfiction books out there and a short documentary on YouTube. The King family produced its own DVD, “Decades of Deceit,” with proceeds going to the Tim King Fund. Websites are devoted to the case. Reddit users trade links and tips. King’s daughter authored a blog from January 2013-November 2015, titled “What the Hell is the Deal with the Oakland County Child Killer Investigation?”
But this is the first time King, himself, has engaged directly with the public.
“I am not trying to create sympathy for myself,” he says. “But I do read the comments and I take solace in them. I am hoping someone will come forward with missing information.”
Moving forward
For now King is encouraged by the fact that an active MSP task force, which includes a representative from Cooper’s office, appears to be demonstrating more inter-agency cooperation than ever before. The MSP also is digitizing documents related to the case, says an MSP spokesperson. “It’s a big job; we’d love to [digitize] all the files. We’re in the process of prioritizing.”
But as King, 85, puts it, “I don’t have many years left to have the system resolve this for me, and I’ve been very unsuccessful in that so far.”
Using his blog, Facebook, and Twitter to share his search for the truth is one way King can take action on behalf of his son.
“Tim deserved better than he got, and so did those other three kids,” he says. “I was asked recently how I can handle all this. I think it’s because I worry more about tomorrow than yesterday.”
(Top image courtesy of A Father’s Story — OCCK.)
suzanne demers
SOMEONE has to be able to help these families get some closure. The many involved need to be held accountable, their silence is hideous, appalling and unspeakable!
Thank you for writing this article.
Ron Stefanski - 1982
Barry, your diligence in finding the truth about Tim and the other kids is more than admirable. My grandmother Vicki was murdered in Detroit and there was definitely solace in having her killer identified, tried and convicted. There will always be incomplete justice (he was sentenced to 5 years as a juvenile and escaped from a halfway house before completing his sentence). But the lingering nagging doubts about what happened are no doubt excruciating. Keep pressing! In the end all we have is each other and our stories.
Frank Leonard-Vidal - 2007
Mr King, I echo the sentiments above. I hope the answers and resolution come to you before your time is done and if not, I hope that, by bringing these crimes into the open, someone else will pick up the torch. Thank you for shedding light into the criminal investigations system, I imagine that this could only come at great emotional cost to you. Tomorrow awaits.
David Krause - 1962, 1986
Timothy was found barely a mile from where my family, including our 3 children, lived (oldest, 11 years at the time), and I will, once again, follow this. Mr. Stefanski wrote above: “In the end, all we have is each other and our stories.” So true: ah, the human condition!
David Easlick - 1969, MBA 1983
Barry, my heart still bleeds for you. I remember Bill Bullard and I were at the Top of the Flame and he told me Timmy had gone missing, and all the horror that resulted after, capped with that wonderful funeral you put on for Timmy. May this search finally come to an end!
Joseph Kowalsky - JD '91
Always good and also distressing to hear of someone who pursues a matter due to lack of efficacy of the public’s watchdogs or agencies. This inefficacy may be intentional, negligent, unintentional and/or unavoidable as a result of human imperfection. Whatever the situation in this case, everyone wishes you success. Whether or not that is achieved, I hope it brings you some solace that you provide an example and an encouragement to the rest of us who struggle to achieve urgent goals.
Stacey Pawlak - AB '90
Dear Mr. King, I was 8 years old and living in Oakland County when the OCCK began taking the lives of innocent children. Jill Robinson’s body was found within walking distance from my home in Troy. I remember the fear and the sadness of that time; I will never forget it. I have followed this case for quite some time and I applaud your courage and tenacity as you fight to learn the truth in memory of your son and the other lost children.
Dan St-Love - 1987
Than you for your diligence. I was 8 in 1977 and played hockey at BHA, I may have seen Tim play against my older brother. We now live in the area still and have a young son. I reflect on the events of being his age to make decisions about his safety and freedom, trust and community.
Please know Tim is not forgotten and has made my family’s life safer and better for understanding the joys and dangers of life around us.
Chris Kennedy
I was 7 years old and lived in Birmingham MI when this happened. I have two children now and still don’t let them out of my sight because of what I remember about this. Mr. King I am so sorry for your loss. CK
Stephen Graves - 1981
I lived at 18720 Seminole. My parents moved us up north in 1979. Next to us lived a very strange man that looked exactly like the sketch the police put out. This man also drove a blue gremlin. someone needs to check out who lived in that house in the late 70 s. We bordered Livonia where one of the children were found
Wendi Ferguson - 1984
I was 10 and 11 years old when the OCCK struck. I remember the pamphlet with the blue gremlin and the chiseled white and black portrait of the supposed man driving the supposed car. Please call me. I think I have new info connected to Chris Busch the big three man. Half my family were big three men. If you email me with your phone number… I’ll call you. Please don’t let me regret this sir.
John Truszkowski - 1992
Why be focused on the Gremlin? Focus on the Chevy Vega variant or the Pontiac Bonneville or whatever Buick or other GM Variant that may have been of interest.