August 23, 2023
Dear students, staff, faculty, and alumni:
Now that we’ve completed our annual move-in, it’s my sincere pleasure to welcome you here, welcome you back, and welcome you home to the University of Michigan. We’re so glad you’ve joined us — we have so much to look forward to in this new school year. It will be a journey and an adventure of unexpected challenges and new horizons and new opportunities.
Wherever your journey takes you, this year or in those to come, U-M will always be your home.
I encourage you to watch this stunning “Welcome Home” video by our team in Michigan Creative, featuring the song “No Matter the Distance” by Vienna Teng, MBA ’13.
Santa J. Ono, PhD
(Lead image: Erin Kirkland, Michigan Photography. Culled from remarks prepared for delivery to the U-M community on Aug. 23, 2023.)
Eric Carlson - 1985
I have such fond memories of moving in and beginning the new academic year in Ann Arbor. Friends, football games and new classes to explore always made for a fun filled and exciting time! The video and song gave me goose bumps just thinking about it! Welcome back, students and alumni. Welcome home.
Joseph Hirschhorn - 1951
Wonder if you remember me and your help towards making OLLI viable on the UC Campus.
Also, your time on the CSO Board.
Both organizations are doing well and more than holding their own.
Congratulations on your new position.
Anthony Adams - 1971
I find it difficult to consider UofM my home when my son was refused admission because he was not black or female. Then to find that entering students had to take homophobic classes and wondered why a Christian phobic class was not required. First of I am ashamed at how so called Christians have responded to those who are different. Case in point how the Bible Belt treated slaves. A class mate of mine, Tony Evans, was refused admission to a Baptist church in Atlanta Georgia. And true, religion has distorted the claims of the creator of the Universe Jesus Christ. In all of this we have lost what God created us to be image representative of the invisible God. We fear those who are different and don’t listen to their story. Small foot is a great story of how we react to those who are different.