Finders, keepers

What’s that?

This week, I talked to the multitalented alumnus and storyteller Davy Rothbart, author, filmmaker, radio producer, TV producer, and about a million other things. He’s screening his powerful documentary “17 Blocks” March 18 at the Michigan Theater and I encourage you to register (at the link in the story). The unusual project follows oneĀ  family in Washington, D.C., for 20 years. Their home, just 17 blocks from the U.S. Capitol, would seem another world to many of the nation’s privileged politicians.

The fortune reads: “You will find inspiration to do that thing you’ve been putting off.”

One of Rothbart’s wackiest creations is a magazine, book, and soon-to-be TV series, called “Found.” Finally, we have a place to send the weird and wonderful notes, scraps, flyers, photos, and other ephemera we find on our sidewalks, on our windshields, blowing across the street. What a relief! I finally know what to do with that lone baby sock by the mailbox.

About a year ago, I found the most fascinating object outside my office in the Michigan News Building on Maynard, next to the Michigan Daily. Walking back from lunch, my eye was drawn to the cement block that holds our building sign. On closer examination, I identified a rusty roach clip. In its teeth it held a ragged fortune from a cookie someone probably received at the nearby Asian Legend restaurant.

The fortune had clearly been sent directly to me from the cookie overlords: “You will find inspiration to do that thing you’ve been putting off.”

I felt a little chill, the kind you get when the phone rings and that person you were just thinking about is on the other line. I smiled and looked around. Up to the sky. Behind me. Am I being punked? Is this “Candid Camera?” After all, my ongoing battle with procrastination is widely known. I would almost say it defines me. The struggle is real, people!

I know I am not alone, though, so I set the roach clip back in its place for the next procrastinator to discover. I contemplated naming my long-deferred imaginary novel “Roach Clip Fortune.”

Then I took a photo, returned to my office, and sought to “find the inspiration to do that thing” I’d been putting off. Michigan Today, anyone?

When I shared my anecdote with Rothbart, the literal king of the found object, he was equally delighted.

“The question is,” he said, “did you find that message or did it find you?”

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