
  1. Kris Sarri: Combating climate change with a policy pen

    A thriving environment depends on engaging people in its stewardship, says Kris Sarri, MPH ’97. She has spent two decades in Washington, D.C., where her commitment to public health weaves together environmental protection and community development.

  2. Space weather disrupts nocturnal bird migration, study finds

    Birds and other animals rely on Earth’s magnetic field for long-distance navigation during seasonal migrations. U-M researchers are now learning how periodic disruptions of the planet’s magnetic field, caused by solar flares and other energetic outbursts, affect the reliability of those biological navigation systems.

  3. Water conservation and access will be yearlong focus at UMSI

    School of Information students are looking through the ‘lens of an information professional’ and using data to tackle urgent water-related issues in Michigan and around the globe. Partners in the school’s inaugural ‘theme year’ include representatives from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

  4. U-M-based center awarded $5M to study climate change impacts on water resources across borders

    Funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation will establish the Global Center for Understanding Climate Change Impacts on Transboundary Waters. Partners include Cornell University, the College of Menominee Nation, the Red Lake Nation, and more.

  5. U-M Biological Station announces results of 2023 BioBlitz

    Targeting aquatic life and shoreline species in and around Douglas Lake in Northern Michigan, researchers and private citizens logged a total of 503 species during an intensive three-day initiative in July. And yes, that’s a bald eagle.

  6. Web developer’s photography passion takes flight

    Jocelyn Anderson does not consider herself an expert birder. Not yet, at least. But one look at her website or Instagram account is like walking into an aviary chock full of birds from all corners of Michigan.

  7. A man and his bog

    Bogs have a reputation as soggy, inhospitable places teeming with insects and unseen hazards. But to Bryan Pfeiffer, BS ’80, they are sacred spaces brimming with life lessons and slow rewards. The 65-year-old ‘boy explorer’ is a Vermont-based field biologist, photographer, and nature writer with a passion for dragonflies, birds, and butterflies.

  8. Wildfires, farming activities may be top sources of air pollution linked to increased risk of dementia

    No amount of air pollution is good for the brain, but wildfires and the emissions resulting from agriculture and farming in particular may pose especially toxic threats to cognitive health, according to U-M researchers in the School of Public Health. Given that the development of dementia could take a long time, researchers hope to provide evidence for policymakers to reduce exposures such emissions.

  9. Caribbean seagrasses provide services worth $255B annually, including carbon storage

    Discussions of valuable but threatened ocean ecosystems often focus on coral reefs or coastal mangrove forests. Seagrass meadows get a lot less attention, even though they provide wide-ranging services to society and store lots of climate-warming carbon. A new University of Michigan-led study shows that seagrass ecosystems deserve to be at the forefront of the global conservation agenda.