
  1. "The best we ever did"

    Apollo astronauts Al Worden and Jim McDivitt ponder our nation’s future in space as the Mars rover Curiosity begins year two on the red planet.

  2. Crowdfunding for medical research?

    A U-M Health System team is striving to make it possible for anyone to propose and fund ideas for patient-focused research studies. The team’s award-winning online protoype, WellSpringboard, would focus on studies designed to compare prevention, diagnostic, or treatment options.

    Related: Big Ten universities form Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium

  3. Statewide Startup Program Launches

    Innovators are exploring business opportunities around their technologies via Michigan I-Corps, a seven-week entrepreneurial training workshop funded by the National Science Foundation.

  4. The Anatomy Lesson: 2013

    A new Medical School program offers a rare opportunity for body donors to share their life stories with the U-M students who one day will dissect them.

    Video: The Ultimate Gift—How a Patient’s Brain Touched His Doctor’s Heart.

  5. Hacking for a Good Cause

    Video: Hundreds of tech-savvy students came to U-M recently to conquer MHacks, an intense, 36-hour challenge to program a real solution to a real problem.

  6. About Face: A New Era in Tissue Engineering

    A groundbreaking collaboration between medicine and engineering promises unprecedented advances in facial reconstructive surgery.

    Related: Is That an Ear in Your Pocket?

    Related: New Biomedical Engineering Dept. Links Medicine and Engineering

  7. MCubed Initiative Seeds Collaborative Research Grants

    Researchers in surgery and dentistry are exploring a cancer stem cell vaccine. A physicist, an artist, and a composer are creating a multimedia event inspired by dark energy. Two teams of engineers and environmental scientists are looking into whether hydraulic fracturing could contaminate drinking water. These researchers all received grants from MCubed, a two-year, $15-million pilot that funds interdisciplinary collaboration at U-M.

  8. Eureka! More Inventions than Ever in 2012

    U-M Tech Transfer recorded more agreements with commercialization partners than ever before in fiscal year 2012. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs launched 11 new startups last year, eight of which are headquartered in Michigan.

  9. Gaming for the Greater Good

    Video: Engineering students are developing video games as therapeutic tools to benefit children with autism. Game play helps improve motor skills, focus, and social interaction.