Research News
Echolocating bats and whales share molecular mechanism
Over the course of evolution, bats and whales acquired echolocation abilities independently, for use in very different environments, so you’d expect the means by which each accomplishes the feat to differ. But a new U-M study suggests that at the microscopic level, the molecular structures for both species are very similar. It’s a striking discovery that overturns conventional thinking in evolution.
Lullabye, in a test tube
Gently rocking embryos while they grow during in vitro fertilization (IVF) improves pregnancy rates in mice by 22 percent, new University of Michigan research shows. The procedure could one day lead to significantly higher IVF success rates in humans.
Banks and bailouts: Playing politics?
Banks with strong political connections were more likely to receive bailout money from the government—and more of it—in the past year than those with weaker ties, say researchers with the U-M Ross School of Business.
How water forms where Earth-like planets are born
In a study that helps to explain the origins of water on Earth, U-M astronomers have found that water vapor can form spontaneously in habitable zones of solar systems.
Trackway analysis shows how dinosaurs coped with slippery slopes
U-M researchers and colleagues working in Argentina have discovered how dinosaurs were able to navigate muddy and slippery inclines.
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Record number of U-M inventions reported last year
U-M researchers disclosed 350 new inventions in fiscal year 2009, setting a new record. Despite the state’s economic woes, the university licensed eight new startups in the last fiscal year.
Bioengineering of nerve-muscle connection could improve prosthetic hand use for wounded soldiers
Modern tissue engineering developed at the University of Michigan Health System could improve the function of prosthetic hands and possibly restore the sense of touch for injured patients.
Preventing sports injuries
U-M has become a leader in helping top athletes and weekend warriors avoid injuries.
U-M discovery about biological clocks overturns long-held theory
U-M researchers have found that the current theory of an internal mechanism controlling our sleep is, “frankly, wrong.”