Science and Technology

  1. U-M tool measures ‘iffy’ news

    U-M’s Center for Social Media Responsibility analyzes news on Facebook and Twitter, just in time for 2018 election.

  2. Emeritus professor wins Nobel Prize

    Gérard Mourou advanced ‘chirped pulse amplification,’ pushing the limits of optical science.

  3. Queen of the Hurricanes

    Elsie MacGill, MSE ’29, the first female aeronautical engineer trained at U-M, weathered polio to build planes for Britain’s R.A.F.

  4. 3 babies, 2 helmets, 1 victory

    Helmet therapy developed at U-M corrects plagiocephaly, a flattening of the head, which afflicted two of three triplets born at Mott.

  5. U-M offers road-saving formula: free

    Ultra-high-performance concrete promises more durable roads and bridges, not to mention budgets.

  6. Gonna fly now

    With its outdoor fly lab for drone testing, U-M now hosts advanced robotics facilities for land, air, sea, and space. Plus: Robotics building breaks ground.

  7. Catalyzing cures

    Richard and Susan Rogel’s record-breaking gift to Michigan Medicine — at $150 million — will transform cancer research.

  8. Noble Nobel in space

    In 1976, Samuel C.C. Ting discovered a particle that changed physics. In 2018, he’s working on the most sophisticated particle physics experiment in space.

  9. Helping to explain how the brain regulates body weight

    Diverse perspectives drive discovery in Roger Cone’s lab at the Life Sciences Institute.