Science and Technology

  1. Experts on Ebola

    U-M scientists answer some of the most urgent questions about this deadly outbreak.

  2. Mischief on the line

    New study shows how hackers can execute sneak attacks through a smart phone’s shared memory.

  3. Re-inspiring a nuclear renaissance?

    U-M experts seek to meet the global demand for energy, rehabilitate nuclear power’s public image.

  4. All roads lead to Michigan

    Renowned researchers, surgeons, and health care leaders celebrate their early years, training at U-M.

  5. Learning the smell of fear

    Mothers teach babies their own fears via odor, which may explain how trauma’s effects span generations.

  6. My accidental conversion to nuclear power

    In this personal essay, MT writer Madeline Strong Diehl chronicles her “accidental conversion” to nuclear power through an encounter with U-M’s Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science students.

  7. A global nuclear renaissance?

    After a 30-year hiatus in new construction, a handful of U.S. utility companies are moving forward with plans to join a “nuclear renaissance” that seems to be affecting countries around the globe. Some 40 countries — mainly in the Middle East and Asia — have committed to enhancing or creating nuclear portfolios.

  8. Starry, starry nights

    A visit to U-M’s historic Detroit Observatory still stirs a sense of awe and adventure.

  9. Boosting the brain's appetite to fight disease

    New findings hold promise for victims of dementia, Lou Gehrig’s disease.