How Michigan planted its flag on Greenland — or tried to

When U-M researcher William Herbert Hobbs traveled to Greenland in the 1920s, he set off on a spree with a map and a pencil, planting Michigan-connected names on practically any feature of the landscape that caught his eye.
Students' App Scores High in Elementary Classroom
Video: Third-grade students in Singapore are scoring higher in science after using MyDesk, a new mobile learning app developed by U-M undergrads.
The Anatomy Lesson: 2013
A new Medical School program offers a rare opportunity for body donors to share their life stories with the U-M students who one day will dissect them.
Video: The Ultimate Gift—How a Patient’s Brain Touched His Doctor’s Heart.
Lost and found
The ancient pyramids on Egypt’s Giza Plateau forever fascinate. For Richard Redding, BA’71/PhD ’81, it’s the Lost City of the Pyramid Builders that truly captivates.
The streak-in of '74
Did streakers embody the fading echo of the rebellious ’60s? Or were they harbingers of a conservative backlash?
Hatching a (business) plan
Alumni siblings Andy and Emily Linn are feathering their family business with camaraderie and creativity in Detroit’s Cass Corridor.
Do Cockroaches Hold the Key to Building Better Robots?
Video: Everybody knows cockroaches can run—really fast—even as they dodge shoes, brooms, airborne magazines… That ability to course-correct in a flash may help engineers design steadier robots and improve doctors’ understanding of human gait abnormalities.
President's Message
Navigating proposed policy changes
U-M leadership is working with university peers to craft a sector-wide strategy to engage constructively with the federal government. -
Editor's Blog
Finders, keepers
Keep your eyes peeled, people. The universe delivers wisdom in the most random 'found' objects. -
Climate Blue
Landscape management versus climate change: A false choice
Now is the time to develop approaches to building that respect the landscape and the changing climate that shapes it. -
Health Yourself
Do you have a rare disease?
After discovering that one of his friends is allergic to water, Victor Katch takes a deep dive into rare diseases.
Listen & Subscribe
MGo Blue podcasts
Explore the Michigan Athletics series "In the Trenches," "On the Block," and "Conqu'ring Heroes." -
Michigan Ross Podcasts
Check out the series "Business and Society," "Business Beyond Usual," "Working for the Weekend," and "Down to Business." -
Michigan Medicine Podcasts
Hear audio series, news, and stories about the future of health care.
A march toward madness — the NCAA kind
The Dusty May era of the University of Michigan men’s basketball team opened the regular season with a victory at home on Nov. 4, defeating Cleveland State 101-53. It was a great beginning to what is shaping up to be a thrilling season. Enjoy these highlights so far — and let’s forget that loss to MSU for a moment — as the team forges a hopeful path toward the annual March Madness tournament. (Captions were sourced from