1. Home, James

    Go deep at MGoBlue.com for extras and exclusives on Jim Harbaugh, former Wolverine quarterback and the football program’s 20th coach.

  2. Media Coverage of the University of Michigan — December 2014

    Jim Harbaugh is new U-M football coach…McKinley founder donates $50 million to U-M…U-M docs use 3-D-printed trachea to save young boy…Improving the gender balance at b-school..Teens trending toward e-cigarettes…U-M unveils architecture program for Detroit teens…45-year physics mystery brings quantum computers closer…U-M sparks Detroit’s tech transfer industry.

  3. Media Coverage of the University of Michigan — October 2014

    AD David Brandon resigns…U-M extends M-Cubed program…U-M economist Wolfers: one of 10 “tweeple” you should follow…U-M prof Prabal Dutta named one of “Brilliant 10″…Artifact from 1800s found while moving massive oak on campus…U-M’s Howard Markel on the history of quarantine…Detroit’s exit from bankruptcy…Fracking’s unexpected benefits.

  4. Trophy life: The Little Brown Jug

    New book celebrates the myths, mysteries, and mania surrounding college football’s oldest trophy rivalry, born of a discarded water jug in 1903.

  5. Michigan's "secret weapon"

    As longtime director of athletic counseling, U-M’s Greg Harden “teaches people how to stay sane under insane circumstances.”