Arts & Culture

  1. Let's Hear It for the Band

    Enjoy this video of a special group of Wolverines who represent a proud tradition in Ann Arbor: The Alumni Marching Band.

  2. Burning Man

    Come ride along on this journey of radical self-expression and self-reliance.

  3. Hill marks magnificent centennial

    Hill Auditorium has mesmerized artists and audiences for 100 years. Everyone from Vladimir Horowitz to Bob Marley has graced its stage.

  4. U-M now home to world's most extensive Orson Welles archive

    “Hollywood, as I predicted, is not a nice place to go out in.” So wrote Orson Welles upon moving from New York to Los Angeles in 1939. Welles’ original correspondence to his first wife is part of a recent acquisition by the University’s Special Collections Library. U-M is now home to the most extensive international archive on the filmmaker, actor, director, and writer, who is perhaps best known for the movie Citizen Kane.

    Related: View a Slideshow of Images from the Collection

    Related: The War of the Worlds Letters: Orson Welles, Fake News, and American Democracy in the Golden Age of Radio

  5. Creativity personified

    The University’s Board of Regents in September approved the renaming of the art-and-design school to the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design.

  6. Parting the Iron Curtain—with music

    On a frigid Moscow night, William Revelli and the Michigan Symphony Band launched one of the most ambitious cultural exchanges in history. The year was 1961.

  7. Let the Games Begin

    Video: The video game developer who created Sid Meier’s Civilization and Sid Meier’s Pirates recently took a turn creating future game developers. Meier, an engineering alum, led a game design boot camp at Michigan that attracted fellow engineers competing for the title of the next Sid Meier.

  8. A Canterbury Tale — or The Gospel According to Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, and Commander Cody

    In the 1960s the title of hippest town in the Midwest most certainly belonged to Ann Arbor, home to a vibrant music scene and a host of hip clubs. Among the very hippest was a small converted print shop called Canterbury House.

  9. Out of Africa

    Anthropologist John Mitani consults on Disneynature film Chimpanzee.