Education & Society
A professor’s war for peace
Still just a boy in 1921, the renowned mathematical psychologist Anatol Rapoport fled war-torn Ukraine on a pair of ice skates. At U-M, he would become an expert in the science of human conflict, contributing the ‘Tit for Tat’ strategy to the field of game theory.
Nominations: Thomas Francis Jr. Medal in Global Public Health
One of U-M’s highest honors is named for the U-M physician, virologist, and infectious disease researcher who proved the efficacy of the polio vaccine, developed by his student Jonas Salk. Submit your nominations through April.
Return to beauty: The long, hard push to revive a neighborhood
Jowana Jackson wants to walk outside her house on Detroit’s east side and see what anyone else would desire — the beauty of a strong, healthy, thriving community. U-M urban planning students and faculty are helping to make that happen.
U-M experts discuss Russia’s attack on Ukraine
University of Michigan experts explore multiple angles regarding Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine and weigh its implications on global politics, economics, and the human scale.
SAPAC volunteer’s project gathers thoughts on sexual violence
Providing sticky notes and pens, U-M senior Sara Fess asked customers at M36 Coffee Roasters in Ann Arbor to imagine a world without sexual violence, followed by the prompt: What would be different? “Everything,” wrote one person.
Detroit River narratives emerge through schooner trips, boat building
U-M’s Detroit River Story Lab partners with community groups in Flint and Detroit to teach schoolchildren about ship construction and buoyancy, river ecology, and the river’s role in the history of the Underground Railroad.
Bookstore blends culture, community in Flint
The Comma Bookstore & Social Hub is a rarity: Fewer than 6 percent of U.S. bookstores are owned and operated by Black entrepreneurs. Egypt Otis, BA ’20, is here to change that.
More weapons in U.S. homes since pandemic
Days before a 15-year-old allegedly killed four students and wounded others at an Oxford, Mich., high school, his father purchased the firearm used in the attack. A U-M study shows gun ownership among parents of teens spiked with the pandemic.
Episode 48: Tales of a G-Man, featuring Greg Stejskal
A month into Greg Stejskal’s gig as an FBI agent in Detroit, Jimmy Hoffa went missing. Listen in, as this retired G-man recounts some of the most captivating cases in his 31-year career — from unmasking Ann Arbor’s notorious drug dealer ‘the Joker’ to identifying the ‘Unabomber.’ It’s all in his book, ‘FBI Case Files: Michigan.’