How Michigan planted its flag on Greenland — or tried to

When U-M researcher William Herbert Hobbs traveled to Greenland in the 1920s, he set off on a spree with a map and a pencil, planting Michigan-connected names on practically any feature of the landscape that caught his eye.
U-M to house most powerful laser in U.S.
Funded with $16 million from the National Science Foundation, researchers will test a leading theory on how the universe operates at a subatomic level.
U-M Regents approve construction of 12-story adult inpatient hospital on medical campus
The 690,000 gross-square-foot hospital will provide more access to care for adult patients at Michigan Medicine.
Child Advocacy Law Clinic gives voice to kids, families
As the first and oldest clinic of its kind in the country, its lawyers mainly represent children in the foster care system.
Who loves America?
Conservatives often suspect U-M of harboring card-carrying communists, but in the late 1930s it was true. In his book, ‘A Good American Family,’ journalist David Maraniss explores the early life of his father, an editor at ‘The Michigan Daily.’
Digital playground
Parental guidance suggested: A child’s digital-media environment is ‘the most unregulated, disorganized playground’ parents have to navigate — and there’s a whole lot of junk on it.
Semper Fi
Medals never meant much to U.S. Marine Anthony Procassini, ’47, who was wounded at the Battle of Okinawa while serving in World War II. The proud veteran finally received a Purple Heart in July 2019.
President's Message
Navigating proposed policy changes
U-M leadership is working with university peers to craft a sector-wide strategy to engage constructively with the federal government. -
Editor's Blog
Finders, keepers
Keep your eyes peeled, people. The universe delivers wisdom in the most random 'found' objects. -
Climate Blue
Landscape management versus climate change: A false choice
Now is the time to develop approaches to building that respect the landscape and the changing climate that shapes it. -
Health Yourself
Do you have a rare disease?
After discovering that one of his friends is allergic to water, Victor Katch takes a deep dive into rare diseases.
Listen & Subscribe
MGo Blue podcasts
Explore the Michigan Athletics series "In the Trenches," "On the Block," and "Conqu'ring Heroes." -
Michigan Ross Podcasts
Check out the series "Business and Society," "Business Beyond Usual," "Working for the Weekend," and "Down to Business." -
Michigan Medicine Podcasts
Hear audio series, news, and stories about the future of health care.
A march toward madness — the NCAA kind
The Dusty May era of the University of Michigan men’s basketball team opened the regular season with a victory at home on Nov. 4, defeating Cleveland State 101-53. It was a great beginning to what is shaping up to be a thrilling season. Enjoy these highlights so far — and let’s forget that loss to MSU for a moment — as the team forges a hopeful path toward the annual March Madness tournament. (Captions were sourced from