U-M, Los Alamos National Laboratory to jointly develop Michigan-based AI research center
The effort builds on a recently established research collaboration between the two institutions. A facility in Washtenaw County will house one computing center to support Los Alamos scientists and engineers focused on national security AI challenges. An adjacent academic computing center will align U-M faculty and students with Los Alamos researchers.
Six new genes suggest obesity is in your head, not your gut
Is obesity all in your head? New research by an international team co-led by U-M suggests that genes that predispose people to obesity act in the brain — not on metabolic functions such as fat storage — and that perhaps some people are simply hardwired to overeat.
U-M scientists probe limits of cancer stem-cell model; Melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer, does not fit the model
Bad news for a promising new idea about cancer. The cancer stem-cell model must be reassessed because it is based largely on evidence from a laboratory test that is surprisingly flawed when applied to some cancers, U-M researchers have concluded.
President Little's Dorms
Your life was probably changed forever by the dorm you were assigned to. But in U-M’s early years, there were no dorms.
After years of effort, false starts, and faulty decisions, the U.S. auto industry is remaking itself. U-M, with its historic ties to the carmakers, continues to push Detroit’s technology and policy forward.
Harder than brain surgery
Chair of the University of Michigan’s Department of Neurosurgery, Dr. Karin Muraszko shines as both a brain surgeon and a person. In this moving video, originally produced by Michigan Television for the Big Ten Network, Dr. Muraszko describes the challenges of brain surgery, overcoming disability and sexism, and helping families face the possible loss of a child.
President's Message
Gratitude is good for you
Gratitude can lessen anxiety, relieve stress, and even strengthen heart health. At U-M, we are grateful for so many things. -
Editor's Blog
Read all about it
Your coffee table's calling, and it needs "Our Michigan," a captivating and visually stunning history of your favorite University. -
Climate Blue
Climate science: No time for a stacked deck
Ricky Rood shows his hand in a confounding game of climate science with way too many wild cards. -
Health Yourself
Do you need a wearable health & fitness tracker?
Calling all data lovers: Victor Katch evaluates the pros and cons of wearable health & fitness trackers.
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MGo Blue podcasts
Explore the Michigan Athletics series "In the Trenches," "On the Block," and "Conqu'ring Heroes." -
Michigan Ross Podcasts
Check out the series "Business and Society," "Business Beyond Usual," "Working for the Weekend," and "Down to Business." -
Michigan Medicine Podcasts
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The University for Michigan
Some of the most valuable learning at U-M takes place beyond campus. Each image here promises to take you somewhere special in Michigan, from Blissfield to Brooklyn, as U-M students and faculty create new knowledge and transform our state.