Research News

  1. One in 10 older adults have gotten a ‘pandemic pet,’ poll finds

    According to the National Poll on Healthy Aging, 10 percent of all people between the ages of 50 and 80 got a new pet between March 2020 and January 2021.

  2. New hope for treating chronic pain without opioids

    Some 40 percent of Americans live with chronic pain. A School of Dentistry study confirms that a low dose of a drug called naltrexone is a good alternative to opioids, without risk of addiction.

  3. Study links Detroit’s home repair program to housing stability

    Low-income homeowners supported by a $1 million grant increased their chances of remaining in their homes long term after completing major repair and safety projects.

  4. Sticking the landing on Mars: High-powered computing reduces guesswork

    NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover touched down on the Red Planet’s surface Feb. 18. U-M’s Jesse Capecelatro has been working with NASA to better understand what happens during landings when surface particles are stirred up.

  5. County by county, study shows social inequality’s role in COVID-19’s toll

    Researchers found the higher a county’s score on a national index of social vulnerability, the more COVID cases and deaths per 100,000 occurred in that county — highlighting the role of social factors in the spread of coronavirus.

  6. Exposure to violence in adolescence linked to intimate partner violence, mental distress later in life

    Researchers found individuals who are exposed to high levels of violence in adolescence — a notable adolescent stressor — were at higher risk for intimate partner violence exposure 15 years later.

  7. Virtual training gives young adults with autism stronger interview skills to obtain jobs

    Virtual training sessions and separate preemployment assistance reduced anxiety and improved candidates’ access to jobs within six months compared to their counterparts who only received preemployment information.

  8. Study: Biodiversity protects bee communities from disease

    A new analysis of thousands of native and nonnative Michigan bees across 60 species shows the most diverse bee communities have the lowest levels of three common viral pathogens.

  9. Is having bad information worse than having no information?

    The move by social media companies to remove or suspend Donald Trump’s accounts and the decisions that led to the shutdown of Parler raise questions about the unchecked power of social media and its future.