1. Get moving to get happier

    Researchers examine which aspects of physical activity are associated with happiness, and which populations are likely to benefit from the effects.

  2. What do older adults think about medical marijuana?

    Most accept its use with doctor’s recommendation, but want more research, U-M/AARP National Poll on Healthy Aging finds.

  3. Subtracting additives

    Victor Katch runs down the good, the bad, and the awful about food additives and health.

  4. Medicare patients nationwide will get a chance to try U-M-developed insurance idea

    Patients could keep more dollars in their wallets while getting treated for such chronic diseases as diabetes, depression, and heart failure.

  5. Star Wars science with Flintstones delivery

    Right Drug. Right person. Right time. Right price. How precision benefit design makes precision medicine financially possible.

  6. Who wants coffee?

    Vic Katch shares research about the health effects of caffeine. Talk about a wakeup call!

  7. If at first you don't succeed

    Learn to avoid the mental merry-go-round of New Year’s resolutions.

  8. What's that ringing in your ears?

    Specially timed signals ease tinnitus symptoms by targeting unruly nerve activity in the brain.

  9. A new way to track deadly ‘superbugs’

    Using a real-world outbreak as a test case, researchers may have discovered a way to slow the spread of superbugs.