Health Yourself
What’s the dope on psychedelic science?
Vic Katch explores the uptick in research around ‘psychedelic’ drugs.
A rude awakening: How to handle night-time muscle cramps
Vic Katch climbs down from his ‘charley horse’ with some valuable advice.
Eating for the environment
Caring about the planet can taste very good, says Victor Katch.
No bones about it
If you are older than 50, you need to know about osteoporosis.
What a pain in the butt
Vic Katch shepherds readers through one of the more unpleasant and unspoken conditions many humans endure.
Understanding arthritis
Arthritis: It’s only one word but it represents a variety of unique conditions, says Vic Katch.
Move along, dementia
Hoping to ward off dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease? Get moving if you can, suggests Vic Katch.
Nurturing your inner athlete
No need to train like an Olympian, but an ‘athletic lifestyle’ could help manifest your goals, says Vic Katch.
Nature vs. nurture? It’s both
Nature, nurture, or both? Vic Katch discusses the relationship between genetics and lifestyle choices for enhancing health.