Arts & Culture
Let the Games Begin
Video: The video game developer who created Sid Meier’s Civilization and Sid Meier’s Pirates recently took a turn creating future game developers. Meier, an engineering alum, led a game design boot camp at Michigan that attracted fellow engineers competing for the title of the next Sid Meier.
A Canterbury Tale — or The Gospel According to Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, and Commander Cody
In the 1960s the title of hippest town in the Midwest most certainly belonged to Ann Arbor, home to a vibrant music scene and a host of hip clubs. Among the very hippest was a small converted print shop called Canterbury House.
This kid is all right
Award-winning filmmaker Gary Gilbert, ’86, is a dreamer. But he’s also a hard-working realist. “Growing up, people would tell me a career in Hollywood was a pipe dream,” says the former mortgage broker. “But I can tell you it’s not.” Gilbert produced The Kids Are All Right, starring Annette Bening.
Remembering Mike Wallace
Legendary reporter helped shape TV journalism; launched his career at U-M.
Out of Africa
Anthropologist John Mitani consults on Disneynature film Chimpanzee.
Hard times in Michigan
Eileen Pollack’s new novel, “Breaking and Entering,” is a story of love, economic dislocation, and political extremism set in a rural Michigan that’s close to everyone’s home.
What a drag it is getting old!
Writer and law prof William Ian Miller’s bleak and hilarious exploration of aging.
Fiction into film
A fun, smart class takes on the question of how books turn into movies.
Preacher's kid
How a professor’s childhood faith led him to become an innovative scientist.