Business and Economy

  1. Michigan Ross students run real businesses — for class

    Ross MBA and BBA students are working with three major firms to start, run, and vet businesses.

  2. Time traveler

    Michigan historic preservationist Janet Kreger, BA ’72, is a forward thinker. She’s protecting thousands of local treasures – for the future.

  3. There's no taste like home

    As beer drinkers in Bangalore embrace new microbrews, Arbor Brewing Company India serves up the suds.

  4. Forecast 2017

    Michigan Ross experts offer projections on the economy, the environment, the auto industry, trade, the media, and more.

  5. Mail-order pride

    Carrie Thorpe, MBA ’12, launches subscription service ProudBox, an official U-M ‘fan box’ that delivers treats, U-M memorabilia, and a whole lotta love.

  6. Episode 8: The ‘human science’ of leadership, featuring Fritz Seyferth

    Executive coach and former Wolverine football player Fritz Seyferth, BSIOE ’73, shares lessons learned from mentor Bo Schembechler on how to build and lead great teams. Seyferth is principal/founder of the business consulting firm FS/A.

  7. In the driver's seat

    The recent fatality involving a semi-autonomous Tesla reveals just how far transportation technology has outpaced solutions in another realm: The legal world.

  8. You can ring my (Pretzel) Bell

    Restaurateurs are cooking up plans to resurrect the much-revered gathering spot, enjoyed by locals from 1934-85.