
  1. Back to basics in the kitchen and garden

    Seems more people are interested in eating fresh, healthy foods. An alumnus and his co-author wife, who have built their own “farmstead” offer tips to get you started on the healthy, do-a-little-bit-more-yourself lifestyle.

  2. Researchers predict record Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone' due to Mississippi River flooding

    Extreme flooding of the Mississippi River this spring is expected to result in the largest Gulf of Mexico “dead zone” on record, according to a University of Michigan aquatic ecologist and his colleagues.

  3. Great big trouble for the Great Lakes

    Already under stress by invasive species and pollution, the Great Lakes are now seeing the reappearance of a problem once believed solved: dead zones, where no life survives. Worse yet, climate projections indicate that the problem is likely to grow.

    Related: Researchers predict record Gulf of Mexico “dead zone” due to Mississippi River flooding

  4. America's heart

    When alumnus Bill Sparrow decided to kayak the entire length of the Mississippi River, he and his wife Laura expected adventure. But they didn’t expect a whole new understanding of their country, its grandeur and its people.

  5. What's going on with the weather?

    U-M weather expert professor Perry Samson responds to questions about extreme weather, including hurricanes, tornadoes and thunderstorms.

  6. Air pollution near Michigan schools linked to poorer student health, academic performance

    U-M researchers found that schools located in areas with the state’s highest industrial air pollution levels had the lowest attendance rates—an indicator of poor health—as well as the highest proportions of students who failed to meet state educational testing standards.

  7. Invasive mussels causing massive ecological changes in Great Lakes

    The blitzkrieg advance of two closely related species of mussels—the zebra and quagga—is stripping the lakes of their life-supporting algae, resulting in a remarkable ecological transformation and threatening the multibillion-dollar U.S. commercial and recreational Great Lakes fisheries.

  8. U-M startup wins Clean Energy Prize

    A startup company built on the inventions of graduate students in UM-Dearborn Prof. Pravansu Mohanty won the 2011 Clean Energy Prize.

  9. Electrified

    Cristi Landy is part of GM’s big bet on plug-in technology and the Chevy Volt.