Research News
A most elegant solution
Discover how the ancient art of origami may soon transform the future of nanotechnology.
They see dead people
As a 3-D hologram-like cadaver floats in space, students “operate” using joysticks and special glasses.
What can stem cells teach us about bipolar disorder?
Research breakthrough may transform treatment, solve mysteries about disorder.
On purpose
Losing his daughter to heart disease nearly derailed Professor Vic Strecher until he discovered his mission to help others live their fullest lives.
Color solar cells fuse energy, beauty
New technology invented at U-M brings colorful design element to solar panels.
Assessing post-combat therapies
Numerous resilience and prevention programs address the psychological health of veterans, but no evidence exists to prove their effectiveness.
Innovative algae research keeps students in state
Greenest of the green movements attracts brightest of the bright PhD students.
Aging successfully
The new year brings an awareness that we’re all a bit older. Aging expert Robert Kahn shares timeless wisdom, which these spirited alumni clearly know.
Do mind games net brain gains?
Websites like Lumosity and PositScience promise improved brain fitness through game-like exercises. Researchers ask: Does that fitness transfer to real life?