Science and Technology
A most elegant solution
Discover how the ancient art of origami may soon transform the future of nanotechnology.
50 years of miracles
Identical twins Janice and Joan Ottenbacher made medical history in 1964 with transplant surgeon Jeremiah G. Turcotte.
Transformers, anyone?
What happens when a rolling robot needs some legs mid-mission? The robot builds its own. At least that’s the plan.
Mammoth undertaking
Prehistoric creatures break digital ground and blow scientific minds in new 3-D showcase.
They see dead people
As a 3-D hologram-like cadaver floats in space, students “operate” using joysticks and special glasses.
What can stem cells teach us about bipolar disorder?
Research breakthrough may transform treatment, solve mysteries about disorder.
Color solar cells fuse energy, beauty
New technology invented at U-M brings colorful design element to solar panels.
Manufacturing 10,000 jobs
U-M plays key role in $148-million research institute opening in metro Detroit.
Innovative algae research keeps students in state
Greenest of the green movements attracts brightest of the bright PhD students.