Editor’s Blog

  1. Food, glorious food

    I once considered myself a ‘starving student,’ but I had no idea. Food insecurity on college campuses is real.

  2. Marching to the beat of a different drum

    Resilience is the order of the day at Michigan, COVID or no COVID.

  3. Nothing beats the real thing

    From COVID-19 to a contentious GEO strike, ‘Michigan Daily’ reporters certainly got a taste of the really-real world this month.

  4. Rock steady

    As our world spins seemingly out of control, the Rock reminds us to roll with the times.

  5. Winner, winner, chicken dinner

    Welcome to the award-winning Michigan Today. We snagged ‘silver’ from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

  6. Shut up and listen

    That’s the biggest challenge for any storyteller, especially the chatty ones.

  7. There’s always a sequel in the works

    Greetings from the kitchen table, where all the magic happens. We’ve got a few changes to report at Michigan Today.

  8. Keeping it weird

    Even though it’s shut down, A2 is doing its best to keep things weird.

  9. Cancel culture sucks

    So, we’ve embraced cancel culture to fight coronavirus. Great.