1. Prepare to roll with the changes

    Ricky Rood encourages readers to embrace ‘systematic planning’ as a method to adapt to our changing climate.

  2. First-responder robots could team with wildfire fighters

    A three-year project funded by a $1 million grant aims to equip bipedal walking robots with the technology to trek in areas that are too dangerous for humans, including collapsed buildings and other disaster areas.

  3. Sweet emotion

    Ricky Rood ponders the emotions of a changing climate.

  4. Are we really talking about the weather?

    Remember when talk of the weather was considered dull conversation? Ah, those were the days.

  5. Will the Earth be habitable in 2100?

    The short answer: “Of course,” says Ricky Rood. As for the long answer? It’s a little more complicated.

  6. 17-year cicadas and tree damage: What to expect

    The cicadas can damage small trees and shrubs so the best defense is to cover vulnerable or smaller trees with mesh or netting; insecticides should not be used, experts say.

  7. Reality Check

    Can’t we all just get along? Ricky Rood analyzes the divide between so-called ‘real science’ and ‘gentlemen’s science.’

  8. University sourcing electricity from new wind parks

    Approximately half of the purchased electricity for U-M’s Ann Arbor campus will soon come from Michigan-sourced renewable resources.

  9. Private sector action may be linchpin to conservative support on climate change

    Study: Conservatives are more supportive of private-sector action than public-sector action, while liberals are more supportive of government regulations than private-sector action or a carbon tax.