Climate Blue

  1. Clean-up crew

    Ricky Rood projects potential climate impacts under a new U.S. presidential administration.

  2. Can we turn COVID into a climate opportunity?

    On a clear day, you can see … smoke?

  3. Is ‘normal’ a thing of the past?

    As catastrophic climate events intensify worldwide, Ricky Rood ponders ‘re-normalizing’ in an abnormal environment.

  4. It starts with a downburst

    Raise your hand if you heard the word ‘derecho’ before August 2020.

  5. Doing science in public

    It’s a tricky proposition, especially when emerging science impacts emerging public policy.

  6. Collective soul

    We must relieve the tension between individual freedom and collective responsibility to address the climate crisis, says Ricky Rood.

  7. It’s all in the delivery

    Ricky Rood subscribes to the theory that ‘it’s all in the delivery’ as he frames approaches to climate change problem-solving.

  8. Anticipation, reaction, or something in between?

    The COVID-19 and climate crises illuminate scientific tension between acting ‘now’ and ‘then,’ says Ricky Rood.

  9. Confronting our invisible enemies

    As coronavirus consumes our consciousness, Ricky Rood considers the responses to climate change and COVID-19.